
Sunday 11 July 2004
reading time: min, words
When a young couple lose their only child in a horrific accident, a doctor approaches them with an offer to bring their son back


In the age of vast scientifical and medical advances, things that used to be unimaginable are now possible, which is what makes Godsend so scary. It's reality! The fact is that cloning is now more fact than fiction, but we still do not know anything about the real consequences of it.


The possible consequences is what this film deals with. When a young modern couple lose their only child in a horrific accident, a doctor secretly approaches them with an offer to bring their son back to them by the process of cloning. In their grief stricken state they accept this offer and for the first 8 years of their new son's life they live their second lives happily. However, the question no-one could answer until it happens, was what was going to happen to their second son after the 8 years were up?  And what was the secret the doctor was keeping from them?


With some truly jump-out-of-your-skin, hair raising scenes, this film is a must see for anyone who likes a realistic horror (or is interested in cloning). What makes it even better is the a fantastic cast; Greg Kinnear and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos play the young couple and Robert De Niro is the doctor. However, the real star of the film is the young Cameron Bright as Adam. This is his second film in which he has to play a troubled child, the first being Tommy in Butterfly Effect. The next Haley Joel Osment perhaps..?


You may have heard some bad reviews of this film, about an unrealistic storyline (just think about it, its not really), shaky camera work and a general samey feel to it. However, I've watched similar films before but this one did really come across with a fresh feel and certainly made me jump!

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