Inspired by...

Monday 11 October 2004
reading time: min, words
Goldie Lookin' Chain are feeling Inspired by Nottingham

Inspired by Nottingham

Goldie Lookin' Chain

Goldie Lookin' Chain will perform at Rock City as part of a 6 day extravaganza running from October 11th to 16th. also included in the line-up are Mercury award nominees The Zutons, Roni Size (Live), Goldie, legendary beatboxer Rahzel, and also artist John Burgerman. More acts are set to be announced soon.

The tour will include a series of unique live performances, exhibitions and workshops from artists and leading industry figures who will be revealing their personal influences and musical inspirations.

Rizla's `inspired-by' is an interactive and diverse events programme that runs across 6 UK cities this summer and autumn, celebrating inspirational icons of music from the past and present through the talent of today.

The Nottingham event comes hot on the heels of performances from music legend and ex-Specials frontman, Terry Hall, in Glasgow and  the UK's hottest new band, Razorlight, in Belfast.

Rizla's `inspired-by' launched in July in Brighton and Cardiff with The Stands and I AM KLOOT who performed exclusive acoustic sets featuring covers of the songs that have inspired their careers. For clubbers, the highlight of the week is probably the gargantuan Detonate at Rock City

Tickets start at £5 and are available at

Rock City
Goldie Lookin' Chain
The Zutons
Roni Size
Jon Burgerman

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