LeftLion Stereo: October

Saturday 11 October 2014
reading time: min, words
Find out what Nottingham artists have been tickling our tabs over the last month

Saint Raymond I Want You
Another chirpy widescreen anthem manufactured specifically with summer festival season in mind.

Ronika - World is Turning
A track that somehow didn’t make the cut for her recent Selectadisc LP, it’s fresher sounding than the rest of the current Top Forty put together.

Scorzayzee - 2 is 8
Two Notts legends collide as our Kickstarter-owning Scorz raps over one of the many aural delights found on Lone’s latest album.

Leygo Pick Up
A #TOTALPARTY of a track squeezed in to three minutes from the self-proclaimed “cut and paste fiend.”

The rapper takes a couple of minutes out of his no-doubt hectic schedule to call out some haters. We’re sure they know who they are...

Revenge of Calculon - Particle Destroyer
The synth-wielding space invaders crash-landed in our favourite record store and wreaked havoc.

The Gorgeous Chans - By The Highway
Jangly, breezy late summer vibes aplenty from the Graceland fetishists.

One Bomb - The Wickedest (feat. Acer, $pyda, Eyez & Wreh-Asha)
We’re not sure so many vocalists need to feature on one song (too many cooks and all that), but they all seem to be having such a good time that we can’t hold it against them.

Shelter Point - Cut Me Loose
Don’t cut me loose, hold me closer, closer to the bosom of this beautiful song.

Lyka - Whole Meal
Grimey, dubsteppy brain-imploding beats that just about justify the pun title.

Neon Jung - Tremors
We like to think it’s a tribute to the giant worm-infested B-movie, and if we find out it isn’t, we’ll be mightily upset.

Morrt - Want U
Like listening to The Essential Mix back in the nineties, except the nineties were never this good.

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