Man On Fire

Tuesday 12 October 2004
reading time: min, words
If you are not in the mood for nonsensical gore but still like a good bit of blood spillage then check this out

Man on fireIn the cinemas at the moment there seems to be a trend for particularly scary and gory films such as Saw, Switchblade Romance, The Punisher and if you go to UGC there is the tartan film festival for some truly disturbing Asian viewing.

However, if you are not in the mood for nonsensical gore but still like a good bit of blood spillage then check out Tony Scott's (True Romance and Enemy of the State) new film "Man on Fire". In this film you get emotional realism compared to Saw or Switchblade romance, but still as much blood. 

With a truly amazing cast consisting of the sexy yet serious Denzel Washington, the legendary Christopher Walken (maybe best known to some of you for dancing in that Fat Boy Slim video) and a brilliant little actress Dakota Fanning.  Dakota is only ten, but you get the sense that she will go on to bigger and better things as she gets older, having already starred in the hit kids film "The Cat in the Hat".

So with a fantastic cast and a renowned director, all you really need is a good plot, and Man on Fire does not disappoint.  Sucking you in from the very beginning by the enchanting charisma of both Christopher Walken and Denzel Washington you will be smiling, laughing and maybe even crying with the characters. 

The way Scott has directed this film is unique and intriguing which adds so much depth to the story.  You will see a very unique use of subtitles and clever editing of the "boring" bits, i.e. fast forwarding the scenes that would normally just be cut out, which makes you feel you are missing nothing, that you are with Creasy (Denzel Washington) for his whole journey.

Creasy is an alcoholic but with his friends help (Walken) he manages to get himself a job with a rich family in Mexico City as a bodyguard for their charming young daughter Pita (Dakota Fanning).  The on screen chemistry between these two is amazing, which makes it very easy to believe the lengths Creasy goes for Pita.

If you leave this film without feeling in the least bit emotionally stirred you do not have a heart.  In my opinion it deserves to go down in history as a classic!

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