My Summer of Love

Sunday 14 November 2004
reading time: min, words
Paddy Considine keeps up his impressive spate of on screen appearances with a role in this tale of love and exploration

Following on from In America and Shane Meadows'  Dead mans Shoes (which he also co-wrote), Paddy Considine keeps up his impressive spate of on screen appearances with My Summer of Love.  This small independent film is a rollercoaster of emotions and with only three main characters the audience, you cannot help but get attached to them. 

Paddy plays Phil who has just become a born-again Christian, much to the despair of his little sister Mona. Mona almost abandons her home with her brother (which used to be a pub) and builds a very close relationship with the posh and intelligent Tamsin.  They fall in love with one another and begin experimenting, which is inevitable.

Set in a valley in Yorkshire the cinematography is beautiful which matches the relationship between Tamsin and Mona.  It is a very close and believable friendship that contrasts with the friendships that Phil makes with his fellow "brothers" which are not very believable, but highly entertaining!

I would definitely recommend this film. The plot has a fresh, unique and quirky feel to it. On top of this the acting is amazing.  Natalie Press (Mona) is one to watch, giving one of the best debuts I have ever seen.  Apparently throughout the film there was a lot of adlibbing and some of the lines she comes out with are so witty and flow so naturally, you can sense a display of raw talent. At points in the film she had me crying with laughter!

My Summer of Love is a journey of exploration, experimenting, faith and trust. It does not disappoint.  Some critics found it predictable but I'd say it was simplicity at its best.  Some have said it's just a lesbian flick but I'd say it's a tragic love story.

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