Overheard in Notts #2

Thursday 03 September 2015
reading time: min, words
We've been listening in on your lot's conversations because we are nosey and you are hilarious
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Lad 1: Why you cussing my woman, man?
Lad 2: Cos she’s fat and she’s a slag.

“All I’m saying is that if a communist wanted to shop at a supermarket, they would do so at Waitrose.”

“It’s gonna absolutely shit it down.”

“Why would I wanna be made equal to men? I wanna go up in the world, not down.” – Old woman

“He better not get me you know cos I will dash man down in that water.” – Woman referring to a child splashing in Market Square fountains

We could drive across America.
Lad: Yeah but it’s getting there and that.

"When I get high, I like to get high high. So high so I can see like satellites and spaceships and shit. You know what I mean?"

"Hey, I eat loads. I eat more than your standard man!"

“I know he was entertaining the kids, but he was getting in me way” – Man at Arnold Carnival

Punter: Have you got any dub?
DJ: Sorry love, just house tonight.
Punter: What about some Chaka Demus & Pliers?

Girl 1: My nannar has been losing all her memories and keeps forgetting stuff.
Girl 2: Sounds like she’s got dimensions.

“I don't mind if people die, it's just their way.” – Six-year-old lad

Old woman: But you don't like Chinese food, you won't come to Wagamama with us.
Lad: That's Japanese.
Old woman: I know, but it's still nice.

“I didn’t do it. I didn’t stab him.”

Have you overheard something in Notts? Get at us on Twitter, youth.

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