Pick of the Week: 15 - 21 September

Sunday 14 September 2014
reading time: min, words
There really is something for everyone to p-p-pick up this week
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Owls, Fists and Switzerland
Mondays have always had a rather lousy reputation but Default This Promotions are bucking that trend with a couple of middle fingers to the boring grind. Lending them a helping hand are Owls, the band who went off in different directions to recently reunite for their love of songwriting, sweet-ass guitar riffs and on-point melodies. Right alongside them are the loud and charged Fists who've had a wee break but are bring back the noise, and another band who just couldn’t keep away from each other for too long, Switzerland. Be prepared for some serious talent from local bands who’ll make you swell with that unfightable urge to dance like crackers.
Monday 15 September, 7.30pm, £10, The Maze

20,000 Days on Earth
As one of the more charismatic figures to emerge from the music industry over the past century or so, Nick Cave has quite a legacy. Now aged 56, directors Ian Forsyth and Jane Pollard have come together to paint a drama documentary focused on his life so far, with insights into his creative processes. We’ll also get a look into those people who have affected his life, from regular collaborator Warren Ellis, to Kylie Minogue and all those in between. Following the screening will be a sixty-minute live performance and a Q&A with the creative team behind the film.
Wednesday 17 September, 7pm, £14, Broadway

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Mrs Green EP Launch
The soulful old broad’s back in town after a break from the ends, and she’s returning with a bang. Our Mabel is whacking on a show to launch her album of tunes from Mrs Green: The Musical, backed by her new, full band – The Rizlas. After wowing us with her top granny vibes, Sheep Soup present her showcase at the Playhouse in early October, so be sure keep an eye out for that. In support of the evening is the wonderful, recently Sony-signed Jamie Joseph who will blow you away with his crystal clear, powerful vocals. All this for absolutely naff all. Ooh, you do spoil us, Mabe.
Thursday 18 September, 8pm, free, The Bodega

Pecha Kucha 6
The rather unique Pecha Kucha series is back this week for its sixth incarnation. If you’re not familiar with what it is, here’s the lowdown - a presentation with twenty images, all shown for twenty seconds. As you can imagine, this makes for quick-fire, concise points, and also makes for an interesting take on the tried and tested presentation format. This time the theme is “stuff” and the speakers will be a diverse mix of Hackspacers, web and hard copy designers, scientists, bar owners, researchers, thinkers and doers.  Basically, you’re bound to find something that'll have you inspired.
Friday 19 September, 4pm, free, Nottingham Hackspace

Eks’Vee are a group of artists who are in the process of mastering their mediums. The group of fifteen Nottingham Trent University Masters students have been practicing within the fine art and photographic field and their exhibition portrays the journey they’ve taken. From performance art to pictorialism, and from contemporary dialogues to traditional conversations, the two-week exhibition doesn’t just engage visitors with the work, but with the artists themselves in a range of talks. Wish them luck as they wave farewell to their academic lives and move into the professional world - not that they’ll need it, by the looks of things.
Private View Friday 19 September, 6 - 8pm, free; Exhibition runs from Saturday 20 September – Friday 3 October, Surface Gallery.

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Paper Tiger
It’s always nice when national artists spread a bit of love, and that’s exactly what those bassheads in Paper Tiger are doing. Not content with just putting on an ace headline set of their trademark space-funk themselves, they’re bringing three Notts heads along for the ride too. Opdot will be bringing some melodic electronica to the evening, Tray Electric will be dazzling with his grinding electronic tunes, and then the 1st Blood massive will be bringing their big band, hip hop stylings. There’s also a super special DJ yet to be announced. All together now: “Oooohh!”
Friday 19 September, 8pm, £8, The Maze

Kino Klubb Presents The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Back in the day, they didn’t have all these fancy CGI special effects and multi-million quid budgets for movies. In the twenties, when films were just finding their feet, they didn’t even have sound. As part as of Scalarama, Kino Klubb are being proper kind to you lot and bringing a screening of one of the earliest horror films ever made to Broadway, and they’ve roped space-doom band Nadir into scoring it live before your very eyes. So, technically, you’re getting both a gig and a film - oh, and it’s free too. No excuses.
Friday 19 September, 10pm, free, Broadway

Food and Drink Fortnight
Foodies, assemble! The next two weeks means you get to gorge on all the most amazing munchables for next to nowt. There’s the ‘Dine for £10’ offer, where you can scoff at the best restaurants in town for just a tenner, and Trinity Square’s Food and Drink Market is on the nineteenth and the twentieth - with stalls from Yamas, Barburrito, Jamie’s Italian, Nada Budaya and loads more gob-watering eateries. Pit and Pendulum will even be there to host a Man Vs Burger challenge (it’s national cheeseburger day on the nineteenth don’tcha know). There’ll also be live music, street performers and loads of free stuff. Perfect.
Saturday 13 – Saturday 27 September, various prices and locations

Salome and Wilde Salome
Al Pacino took on quite a project when he decided to make a play, a film, and a documentary based on Oscar Wilde's play Salome. The original play was banned at the time - its subject of religion and sex was all too much for Victorian London. This unique event, showing at several cinemas across Nottingham, will begin with the film adaption of Salome, followed by the documentary, Wilde Salome, about Pacino's efforts to make the film and perform the play at Wadsworth Theatre in Los Angeles. If that were not enough, there will then be a Q & A session with Pacino and Jessica Chastain, hosted by Stephen Fry, live from BFI Southbank. 
Sunday 21 September, 4.00pm, Savoy, Cineworld and Showcase Cinemas.

People’s Climate March
Right everyone, it’s people power time. This week there’s gonna be a landmark UN climate summit over in the Big Apple, and we need to show the world leaders that climate change is something worth giving a damn about. To take a stand, people all around the world are marching through their city streets, to make both the local and national leaders see that we want change, just not in the climate. We’ll all gather in Market Square before we march with our heads and banners held high - if you can, bring one of your mates along so we can double our impact. There’s free cake too!
Sunday 21 September, 1.00pm, free, Old Market Square

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Poetry is Dead Good 
Sunday night sees some of Nottingham’s best spoken word poets taking over Jam. A load of ‘em have spent time honing their craft with the renowned Mouthy Poets, so the evening will be something special for sure. There’s Georgina Wilding, dtphaughton, Neal Pike and the rising Raphael Blake, who’s in the process of releasing an innovative and beautiful EP at the moment. Not only will we get to hear some carefully moulded words of wisdom, but the wonderful Emily Franklin will be bringing tunes for all to enjoy. Yes, all - under eighteens are welcome, and it ain’t gonna cost you a penny. Dab in.
Sunday 21 September, 7.30pm, free, JamCafe

For the full motherload of everything else going on this week check out our comprehensive Nottingham events listings.

Promoters: Want your event featured in one of our upcoming Pick of the Weeks? If so then you can start by adding your event details into our magazine and website database.

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