Riverside Festival

Thursday 05 August 2004
reading time: min, words
It's The Riverside Festival this weekend! It's always worth going, if only for the fireworks

Are you ready for Cyberstein?The Riverside Festival is a bit of an institution in the city and is the largest outdoor festival taking place in Nottingham this year.


Activities throughout the two days include street fair and fairground rides, street theatre - including a unique act involving Cyberstein (pictured left), an 8ft robot who will perform at dusk, ethnic markets, food stalls and many free activities and workshops.


New for 2004 is the giant lantern and riverboat procession taking place on Saturday night at 9.00pm. Everyone can take part in the procession as there are free lantern workshops open throughout Saturday. A fire drawing display follows the procession at 10.00pm leading to the traditional fireworks spectacular at 10.30pm.


Also new for 2004 is the World Community stage featuring Nottingham artists and musicians performing dance and music pieces from across the globe including New Orleans Jazz, Samba and both African and Indian drumming.


The Waterfront Stage presents Music from Around the World featuring musicians from as far a field as Zimbabwe and Argentina.


On Saturday The Bandstand hosts 'Art on Toast' from 2.00pm-4.00pm, a combination of music, dance and poetry, followed by Americana Country Music, 7.00pm-10.00pm whereas Sunday sees choirs, guitarists and vocalists  from Colombia, South Africa and Nottingham.

Riverside 2004 promises to be a fantastic event and its FREE so get yourself down to the Victoria Embankment this weekend and support local performers and musicians. The rubber duck race takes place on Sunday at 4.30pm!


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