Top 14 LeftLion Articles of the Year

Tuesday 30 December 2014
reading time: min, words
We get all nostalgic and have a look back at the cream of our wordy crop from the past twelve months

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NG83 Rock City Crew
Our Editor had a chat with one of Nottingham's old school breakers ahead of his crew's documentary release. As one of the original members, Claude Knight searched far and wide for old footage of limbs flying in every direction. We bagged some of his photos and old flier clippings to include in a gallery for ultimate flashbacks and era-envy.

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Owl Man
Frank Shelton tends to keep himself to himself, but that doesn't stop people fondling his bird. You might have done a few double takes over the years as you've walked down a busy Clumber Street and clocked a sweet, old man with a barn owl and Scottie dog in tow – now to find out the story behind the bird bearer.

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Torvill and Dean
2014 marked thirty years since a pair of young ice skaters from Nottingham made the world stop in its tracks with their Bolero performance in the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics. To celebrate, the Nottingham public performed mass Boleros as part of the NEAT14 festival, and our Editor-in-Chief had a natter with the duo to see if they ever bumped uglies.

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Mr Switch
In October this year, this local bloke won the World DJ Championship at the DMC World DJ Finals. Then he played as the headline act of the LeftLion Stage in Broadway Cinema for Hockley Hustle. He gave us a rundown of how he's come to be so up to scratch, looking back his VHS tapes, community workshops and appearing on the BBC Proms.

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The Story Behind the Malt Cross
One of the most historic and beautiful buildings in Nottingham had a proper gut-out and makeover this year, only to open its doors and reveal the old caves underneath. We delved a little deeper into the crazy history of the Victorian music hall and took a few pictures of what it looks like now it's been all done up.


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DiY Soundsystem
Free thinkers, house music lovers, legacy makers - the free party purveyors celebrated their 25th anniversary this year. Our Sports Editor put down his cricket tactic scribblings to remember what it really meant to skank out under the stars until the morning light – culturally, politically and merrily.


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Miners' Strike
From the magazine with a controversial cover, to the article that explained it all. 2014 marked a less cheery anniversary – that of the 1984 miners' strikes in Nottingham. After being labelled Scab City around that time, we unpacked the myths with a close look at corruption, brutality and the poverty caused by those dark days.

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The Lord of Milan
This year saw us win the UNESCO City of Football bid – well in. One footie story we uncovered earlier this year was that of Herbert Kilpin, a Nottingham bloke who co-founded AC Milan in 1899. After being raised by a West Bridgford butcher and kicking about on Forest Rec as a teenager, Kilpin upped and did one to Italy - the rest, as they say, is history.

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Cycling in Nottingham
The first edition of our new bike column, by Art Editor Mark Patterson, had a look at some of the weird and not-so-wonderful cycle paths in the city centre and beyond. With routes that enter unknown abysses, facts and figures about who's using their pedals, and some lively comments about fixie riders, get involved in the tandem talk.

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Christopher Richardson
As if bagging the City of Football bid weren't enough, we're going in for the kill on the UNESCO City of Literature bid too. To celebrate the Year of Reading Women, our Literature Editor James Walker spoke to the author of City of Light, which details Nottingham's nineteenth century, working class determination to book its ideas up by the candlelight of the pub.

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Lenton Flats
Love them or loathe them, the matter-of-fact tower blocks sitting behind the Savoy Cinema have dominated Nottingham skylines since the late sixties, and soon they're gonna get blown up. We spoke to a local filmmaker about why nobody seems to give two schnitzels about being relocated, as well as tenant memories from behind the walls – the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Music Venue Accessibility
Our Music Editor spoke to Rob Maddison from Spaceships are Cool about what it's like as a wheelchair-using musician in Nottingham. From having to be carried up the stairs of The Bodega, to getting beer spilt on his head in the crowd, it ain't exactly plain sailing. But rather than getting mardy about it, Rob suggests some solutions.

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Notts on the Box
The launch of Notts TV this year injected a right buzz into our tellies, with stars in many an eye, freeview box reconfiguration frenzies and blue ducks flying everywhere. But it ain't the first time we've donned the screens. With Central Studios, Robin Hood shows, and actors like Samantha Morton, Joe Dempsie and MistaJam on the box, our Screen Editor had plenty to shout about.


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Sneinton Art Galleries
It'd be easy to walk around Nottingham expecting a tumbleweed to blow past, especially among the more grey and industrial areas, but unbeknown to many, there are hoards of creative bodies hiding behind some of those big, steel doors. We prised them open and out spilled some chatty artists who gave us the lowdown on the hidden galleries and why Sneinton is on the rise.


Happy New Year!
Love from LeftLion

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