Aydenne Simone & the Big Mama Trio [jazz/blues]


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £12 - £20
Times 18:00 - 22:30

“A night that will stay with you forever”

“She makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck…..” Time Out


Aydenne Simone is an international jazz & blues singer. Known as a vocal powerhouse, with deep sensuous velvet tones, Aydenne’s charisma and swing transports you back to the 1950s. The Queen of Swing and her trio will leave you singing all the way home. This band is tight – their unspoken communication shines throughout!


Aydenne’s philosophy is very simple “Give your audience songs they will remember, do it justice and do it right! Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan and those in that era had one thing in common, outstanding quality”

“Aydenne sings and swings to perfection, her voice moving effortlessly from beguiling to bold to brassy to bluesy, always with the greatest respect for the lyrics she so wonderfully projects” – Chris Hare


The Big Mama Trio:
Piano: Olly Chalk
Bass: Stu Barker
Drums: Gwilym Jones


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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