Dennis Rollins’ Funky- Funk!


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £13 - £23
Times 18:00 - 12:00

Rollins joins an elite lineage of trombone players responsible for changing its perceptions. From The Brand New Heavies, Jamiroquai, Courtney Pine, to Maceo Parker and PeeWee Ellis, Rollins has lent his ‘bone skills’ to an array of jazz, funk and groove personalities.

Don’t miss out on an evening with ‘Funky-Funk!’ an electrifying 6-piece outfit exploring funky grooves, fat bass-lines and sumptuous melodies. “Funky-Funk! is a seriously funky band with an infectious sound… you can’t help but ‘get your groove on’ when you hear it!”


All-star band includes:
Dennis Rollins (trombone, electronics)
James Morton (saxophones)
Tiago Coimbra (bass)
Davide Giovannini (drums)
Anders Olinder (keys)
Johnny Heyes (guitar)


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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