Flamenco El Desborde


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £10 - £18
Times 19:00 - 23:00

A musical show featuring two dancers, a singer, and a guitarist pays tribute to the women of flamenco and delves into the world of cabaret, singing cafés, and exhibitionism from a contemporary perspective. The show references iconic figures of flamenco and copla, including Lola Flores, Miguel de Molina, and Dolores Vargas “La Terremoto”.

Exploring the roots of flamenco and flamenco singing while also challenging them, this performance offers a unique approach by engaging the audience and delving into the musical imagination of flamenco. It draws inspiration from the women who have contributed to this art form throughout history, and the challenges they have faced, creating a rich and captivating tapestry of personalities and styles.


Cathy Sandoval
Chilean dancer and choreographer known for her training work at the La Plazuela Academy of Flamenco Art, as well as her performances as a traditional flamenco artist in theatres and tablaos. She has performed on important stages in Chile, Spain, Canada and Argentina, sharing the stage with great figures.

In 2015, she founded the contemporary flamenco company “El Rito,” through which she has produced the works “Tierra” and “Soy.” These productions have featured collaborations with esteemed artists such as Ana Morales, Guadalupe Torres, Florencia Oz, and Concha Jareño.


Natalia García-Huidobro
Chilean Choreographer and dancer based in Spain with training in Mexico, Spain and UK. Through her creations, Natalia has developed a very personal line of contemporary flamenco facing the tradition and opening the structures of this language in collaboration with artists from different disciplines. This has allowed her to feed La Típica (the company that she has led since 2000) with new forms of flamenco. Some of her main works as artistic director are El Arrebato, Our prayer, La Extranjera, Memorias del viento, Acuérdate de mí…Lola, Silencio and A ras de Tierra.

As a performer, Natalia has collaborated with various visual artists and outstanding artists and musicians. Her latest collaboration with director Lemi Ponifasio “Love to Death” stands out and it’s been very remarkable in the festivals they have been to.


Adrian Sola
Flamenco guitar specialist, Adrian Sola has been perfecting his technique to offer a curated repertoire of essential masterpieces from the Flamenco guitar realm, he is also an accomplished and sought-after accompanist. Born in Barcelona, Adrian showed an early interest in all kinds of music and borrowed his father’s guitar at around 12 years old, a hobby at first soon became almost a necessity in his teenage years. He enrolled at The Modern Music School of Badalona to study musical language, harmony, jazz flute and flamenco guitar.


Monica García
Originally from Frailes (Jaen) based in London, started singing at a very young age inspired by his grandfather Luis. Studying music by herself she now works with highly acclaimed musicians, dancers, and singers in renowned venues such as Jazz Café (London) or Playhouse (Salisbury).


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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