Funk In Deep Freeze [ Blue Note Funky Jazz]


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £6 - £12
Times 19:00 - 22:30

Blue Note grooves.. nostalgic 70’s Jazz Funk


“The 1960’s ushered in an earthy jazz, fused with sounds from other areas of popular music. By the late 60’s, contemporary music as well as jazz made some incredible changes, James Brown and Sly and the Family Stone were champions of a new music called Funk. When combining elements of funk and R&B, call and response were the main hook to the music, but done in a very creative way, with long jamming tenor or alto sax solos, the emphasis on bass-heavy grooves”


Having performed together in many different lineups, ‘Funk In Deep Freeze’ (formerly known as ‘Thom Whitworth’s Funky Organ’) has become a favourite at Peggy’s. With an obvious shared respect and enjoyment for the infectious, spontaneous results of these meet ups, the band play funk influenced compositions from Jimmy Smith to Freddie Hubbard, as well as funk-era Herbie Hancock and Grant Green.


Expect contagious funk, soulful Hammond swing and explosive grooves…


Thom Whitworth -trumpet/guitar
Paul Deats – Fender Rhodes electric piano
Simon Paterson – bass
Stevie Smith – drums


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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