James Sayer Creation Album Launch [soul/rhythm&blues/pop]

Wednesday 26 June 2024

At Peggy's Skylight

Price £10 - £16
Times 20:00 - 22:00

“Suppose you mix Elton John, Billy Joel and Jerry Lee Lewis with soul legends like Aretha Franklin and Michael McDonald. James Sayer does this and created a completely unique sound!” – Radio Veronica, Netherlands 2023


James’ love for the piano and saxophone began at a very young age when he learnt all things Rock n Roll through discovering artists such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino and Billy Joel. Pursuing his dream James moved to London and started performing almost every night in piano bars, clubs and pubs. Eventually, James met American producer, Alan Glass (Earth Wind and Fire, Aretha Franklin), and they began working on James’ debut demo material… Which five-time Grammy winner and former member of The Doobie Brothers, Michael McDonald, happened to get a hold of and wrote to James: ‘James, Have been enjoying immensely, your music. Very inspiring. Mike McD’.


James releases his debut album ‘CREATION’ this June and is touring the UK and internationally throughout the summer. James, often called an ‘old soul’ says “I’ve tried to capture all the styles I love – Soul, Rhythm & Blues, Gospel and classic pop music – but still create a sound that is all mine.”


Performing music from the new album, alongside a few of his favourite Rhythm & Blues/Soul classics.


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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