Ludivine Issambourg [ Jazz Funk]


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £12 - £18
Times 18:00 - 22:00

Ludivine Issambourg is one of the most recognisable French flautists, composers and producers of the past 15 years. With her latest project Above The Laws (2024, Heavenly Sweetness), she gives a highly anticipated sequel to her Outlaws LP which was an acclaimed tribute to Hubert Laws jazz funk and CTI years. Now exploring other legendary flautists influences (Jeremy Steig, Ronald Snijders) and wider soul rare groove inspirations (Gil Scott Heron, Incognito), Ludivine delivers a modern and resolutely current vision of jazz with some stunning original compositions, imbued with the 70’s jazz funk tradition. She also brings a few outstanding renditions of carefully selected covers, including exclusive featurings from legendary artists such as Brian Jackson, Nils Landgren.


Line up
Ludivine Issambourg – flutes
Corentin Pujol – keyboards
Swaeili Mbappé – bass
Yoan Serra – drums
Vincent Aubert – trombone
Wolfgang Valbrun – vocals


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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