Malika Collective [jazz/afrobeat/groove]


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £10 - £18
Times 19:00 - 23:00

With roots firmly planted in the fertile soil of the London Jazz scene, Malika Collective has evolved into a dynamic ensemble, while drawing on a virtuosic cast of musicians who bring their own unique flavours to the mix, the core of the band features the formidable talents of Henry Lawry on keys, Nim Sadot on bass, and Jack Robson on drums and George Risk on guitar, along with the ethereal sounds of Johnny Woodham on trumpet and the soulful saxophone of Greg Sinclair.


The music of Malika Collective is a sonic tapestry woven through the backbone of an energetic groove featuring threads of intricately crafted melody. Traversing through unusual time signatures and rhythmical devices the music engages the listener with ease. Blending the electric sounds of synths and effects with the timeless elements of jazz improvisation and instrumentation, their music is a captivating fusion of old and new, tradition and innovation. Drawing inspiration from a vast spectrum of genres, Malika Collective fearlessly explores the sonic landscape, unloading influences from Blues, Rock, Afrobeat, Groove, Soul, Electronic, and Dance music. Each track is a sonic journey, a vibrant mosaic of sounds and textures that invites listeners to lose themselves in the music.


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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