Mucky Slide [jazz/groove]


At Peggy's Skylight

Price £8
Times 13:00 - 15:00

Mucky Slide

Dirty funk, cool Latin vibes and smooth jazz; drawing influence from classic and new standards by the likes of Herbie Hancock, Ezra collective & Duke Ellington. Rachael Johnson (London College Of Music) is joined by Joshua Burke-Martin (bass) & Simon Potts (drums).


They use complex rhythm and closely interwoven harmonies to tell a musical story of journeys and places experienced together. Think of the drive of  Soil and Pimp Sessions, the tight runs of  Vulfpeck and the groove of  Ezra collective, from a stripped back intimate trio and you will have an inkling of what’s to come.


3 George St, Hockley, Nottingham

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