There's more content than you would believe. Hopefully this will make finding it a bit easier...
LeftLion Film Podcast #26 - Bridie Squires: Casino Zero
Wed 12 Feb 2020Notts poet Bridie Squires talks to Ashley and Derry about Casino Zero, the one-woman show based on her experiences as a croupier...

Queer Band Slash Fiction on their Upcoming Show at JT Soar: " If we don't fight for visibility, what are we even doing?"
Wed 12 Feb 2020Since I moved to Nottingham as a young, queer person, I’ve been fortunate to stumble into the world of local indie, punk and DIY punk gigs, which have provided me with a community and more importantly, a place to go on a Friday night. Now, as an older, queer lesbian, I’m aware of the importance of carving out queer spaces, especially within rock clubs and bars that can be dominated by cis-gender, heterosexual boys.
We spoke to Beans from Queer band Slash Fiction ahead of their upcoming Fan Club debut show at JT Soar about personal lyrics, influences and their EP Flowers...

Inside Nottingham's LARPing Community: A Day with Fools and Heroes
Wed 12 Feb 2020Gaming isn’t just about smashing controllers and passing Go for £200, you know. In the UK alone, thousands of people regularly meet up to get involved in live action role-play. We decided to head along to the Nottingham branch of Fools and Heroes, a UK-based LARP society, to get a peek into the world of high fantasy, magic, monsters and mystery…

Nusic New Music Podcast #220: The People's Podcast
Tue 11 Feb 2020Our annual People’s New Music Podcast, where you make your predictions of which local artists will realise their musical dreams in the coming year.
The Podcast may contain some fruity language. Sensitive ears – you have been warned.
EXPLANATION: We do not repeat artists, therefore artists featured in the 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011/2010 shows are not featured.

The Found Footage Film Festival Comes to Nottingham
Tue 11 Feb 2020In March, The Found Footage Film Festival will come to Nottingham as part of its 15th anniversary UK tour. Hosted by comedians Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, the festival promises a night of delightfully cringe-worthy comedy…

9 Gigs to Go to in Nottingham This Month
Tue 11 Feb 2020Get yourself out the house and in the crowd for these lot...

Live Music Review: Church of the Cosmic Skull at The Level
Mon 10 Feb 2020Church of the Cosmic Skull are the Nottingham-based seven-piece that answers the question: “What if ABBA did guitar shredding and was actually an occult?” The answer is pleasing to say the least...

Film Review: Birds of Prey
Mon 10 Feb 2020Four years after the flop of Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn gets another chance to make an impression on the big screen...

Notes from a Mental Health Nurse: Gambling Addiction
Mon 10 Feb 2020Each month, our anonymous mental nurse, who has over two decades on experience working in Nottingham, will deal with a specific mental health issue with practical, accessible advice. This month, to fit the theme of our gaming special, they talk us through some advice on gambling addictions.

The Festival of Science and Curiosity is Back for 2020 with a Live Heart Dissection and Much More
Sun 09 Feb 2020The term science might throw up images of luminous test tubes and crazy-haired Einsteins, but that’s a microscopic portion of it all. To get you in the know, Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity is back, bringing a whole galaxy of knowledge and excitement into streets, universities, community centres and more. We chatted with producer Megan Shore about what’ll be occurring this year and why you should go along..

Aussie Folk-Rockers Boy & Bear Prepare for Debut Nottingham Gig
Fri 07 Feb 2020ARIA award-winning Australian indie-rock band Boy & Bear captured our hearts with their charming folk sound way back in 2010. Following a four-year hiatus due to lead-singer Dave Hosking’s illness, the platinum record-holding band from Sydney are back on the scene with new album Suck on Light. We spoke with keyboardist Jon Hart about the band’s “weird” approach to developing their sound, preparations for their worldwide tour, and why Australia is dominating the charts internationally…

Theatre Review: Holes at Nottingham Playhouse
Fri 07 Feb 2020Gold is in those holes: if you're eight (or ever were) just see it...

LeftLion Football Podcast Episode 6: Tom Head (@wiggumcharm)
Fri 07 Feb 2020Colin and Gareth welcome guest Tom Head (@wiggumcharm) with an optimistic take on Forest's fortunes, a revolving-door goalkeeper situation at Notts and Jim brings good news for the catering department at Mansfield

My First… Gaming Obsession
Fri 07 Feb 2020We asked your lot about the first time you got obsessed with a game.

Tell Your St. Ann’s Story with Panya Banjoko and Bo Olawoye
Thu 06 Feb 2020Local writer Panya Banjoko and Engagement Curator Bo Olawoye are working together with The Renewal Trust to build a newspaper rammed with stories, photos and art work – all about St. Ann’s…

Metal Music in Notts: Then VS Now
Thu 06 Feb 2020Notts has had an esteemed love affair with metal music for decades, with devil horns being thrown up to the skies and genre-dwelling titans visiting this great county ever since Rock City swung the floodgates open in 1980. So, for those who adorn the spike and patch-covered jackets we thought we’d take a trip down hellfire lane, as well as a look to the fiery future, to see which heavy metal legends have come to owd Nottingham and who, in 2020, are yet to go. We’ve even sorted them into their venue stomping grounds to keep things geographically neat and tidy…

6 Items to Put in Your Nottingham Picnic Hamper
Thu 06 Feb 2020After all, the way to the heart is through the stomach...

Tabletop Game Design Company Needy Cat on Creating the Official Hellboy Board Game and Their First In-House Release
Thu 06 Feb 2020Tabletop games studio Needy Cat are the fast-paced, sharp minds behind some of the most exciting board games on the market. Working with household-name franchises as well as other small creators, they have one aim: to get as many people playing games as possible. We spoke to them about their work, as they gear up to launch their first, completely in-house designed game, Robot Fight Club…

Nusic School Tour 2019 Highlights
Wed 05 Feb 202014 sessions. 13 schools. 1366 students. Our mates at Nusic went out on the road again with two local musicians, Jerub and Tori Sheard, to inspire the next generation...

3 Nottingham Books to Read This February
Wed 05 Feb 2020Three page-turners to get lost in this month...

5 Nottingham Albums to Listen to This February
Wed 05 Feb 2020The latest sounds from the Nottingham vault...

Neon Wolf Tattoo Studio Have Opened A Coffee Shop, and It’s Beautiful
Wed 05 Feb 2020"It’s all vegan and all really good – you won’t be able to taste the difference"

Film Review: Parasite
Tue 04 Feb 2020It’s no secret that the twisted new comedy-thriller Parasite has captivated audiences around the world; but will it hit the mark with a UK audience now that it’s finally invaded our screens?

11 Things to Do at Light Night 2020
Tue 04 Feb 2020Nottingham loves Light Night so much that this year’s festival has been extended to a two-date event. For its thirteenth year of dedicated displays of luminosity, there will be over a hundred different activities and performances spanning across Friday 7 - Saturday 8 February...

A Quidditch Player in Notts
Tue 04 Feb 2020"I don’t play because I love Harry Potter. I mean, I’ve read the books and seen the films, but I play because I enjoy the game."